Monday, February 4, 2013

12 weeks

Mabry is the size of a lime. After seeing our little one, I am trying to find new ways to deal with my nauseousness, luckily my coworkers know that I am pregnant, so when they see me make a weird face or walk away quickly they can guess what's going on with me. Until I find the cure, I'll continue to carry plastic bags, saltines and my water cup around everywhere I go! I've added lemon water, cranberry flavored ginger ale and 7 up to my list of beverages to calm my stomach.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Our first ultrasound

As Friday approached Jeff and I were really excited to see our little baby for the first time. Mainly because this will make it feel real and give us that confirmation there is an actual baby growing inside of me. This appointment also meant we could share our secret with everyone, finally! When we arrived for our appointment we were in for quite a surprise...our moms and my sister were waiting for us when we walked in the room. They had drove up from St. Louis and beat us to the appointment to surprise us and see their first grandchild's ultrasound. When we walked into the room I thought I was getting punked because a camera was flashing. I instantly thought to myself, this is a sick joke to play, I thought I was pregnant. It took a moment to realize that my mom, sister and Jeff's mom were standing there. I of course started crying.

This little baby is going to be so loved. We can't wait to meet you Mabry!

So excited to post our news on Facebook and share our wonderful news. We posted:
First came love, then came marriage, and in August we'll be pushing a baby carriage!

Monday, January 28, 2013

11 weeks

Mabry is the size of a peanut. I'm still feeling nauseous all day, but I can't wait to see our ultrasound this week!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

10 weeks

As we roll into the 10th week of our pregnancy we celebrated my birthday. I turned 28 and this was my last birthday without a child...other than the fact that I am with child. We made the journey back to St. Louis to meet up with our family. Our family went to Pasta House for dinner, it's my favorite and we do not have one in the town I live in which makes it difficult since I was craving pasta con broccoli. After dinner we went back to Jeff's mom's house for cake. It was another special Barbie cake, this year she is pregnant like me!

For my birthday I also wanted to go to the Cardinal's Winter Warm Up which happened to fall on my birthday weekend. Our main goal of going was to get John Mabry's autograph for our little Mabry. We were successful! We are building up quite the collection for our little one.

Week of January 21st Mabry is the size of a cocktail shrimp. Feeling pretty good other than a little sickness. I'm eating a lot of crackers and drinking a ton of water.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

9 weeks

Now that our family knows and we met with the doctor we started our Weekly Chalkboard photos to track the belly progress. I'm really excited to see how much I grow over the next few months. Oh and as for the name we are naming him or her Mabry. When Jeff and I first started dating in college back at the age of 21 we decided our first born would be named Mabry...after the great baseball player, John Mabry (Jeff's favorite player). We can't wait to see which one of our middle names will win if she will be Mabry Lynn after me or if he will be Mabry Kristofer after Jeff.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Ready to share our news...

After we met with the doctor for our 8 week check up we were going to back home to visit our families and see our friend's band play. We figured this would be the perfect opportunity to let the ones closest to us know that we are pregnant and due in August. I had envisioned getting an ultrasound and seeing the baby at our first appointment, but apparently you have to wait until 12 weeks to get one.

When we arrived back home we stopped at Jeff's mom's house and called his sister to come over. We also had arranged for my parents to come and pick us up there so we could all ride together to see my friend's band. When we pulled up we went in and Jeff gave his mom flowers and said well we wanted to tell you you are going to be a grandma. She was super excited and we both started crying. Next up was Jeff's sister and her husband. They were really excited as well. The funniest was when my parents showed up. My dad came to the door and I said, can you get mom and tell her to come in. She was in the back of the car and not really wanting to have to crawl out to come in, but did anyways. When she walked in finally I started to say well we have some news...she looks at Jeff's sister and said Yay! You are pregnant. I start shouting at this point hello over here...We are pregnant! You are going to be a grandma! She started crying and then we all started crying again. We are having the first grandchild on both sides, so the mom's were very emotional and happy. Later I asked my mom why she thought I would be the one to tell them that they were pregnant. She just laughed and said normally you can't keep a secret so I didn't think it was you. However, my dad picked up on it at Christmas and knew I was pregnant when I was drinking water instead of a glass of wine like everyone else.
My dad and me

With my friend Tammy, who's band was playing that night ...and a closed eye shot of my Mom

Me, our friend Jared, Hubby Jeff and my Dad